We’re here to answer your questions! Check out our blogs to learn more about the top aesthetic treatments our Med Spa offers to patients in Chanhassen, MN and surrounding areas.

3 Treatments to Reduce Sun Damage

Tired of trying to cover up years of sun damage on your skin? Refine Laser & Skin Care in Chanhassen, MN, has some amazing treatments for sun damage that will help you regain that youthful glow and maintain healthy, flawless skin!

We all love spending time outdoors, especially during the summer, but prolonged exposure to the sun's harmful rays can lead to skin damage and visible skin issues. Whether you're dealing with pigmented lesions, dullness, or dark spots, the treatments we’re going to discuss offer innovative solutions. Let's dive in!

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Facials, Chemical Peel Renee Ryski Facials, Chemical Peel Renee Ryski

SkinMedica™ Chemical Peels for Improved Skin Tone & Texture

When we experience issues with our skin or start to show prominent signs of aging on our face, it can start to take a major toll on our self-confidence. Our skin goes through a lot over the years– stress, sun damage, acne, and other skin irregularities are common, and their long-term effects start to show over time. Additionally, we start to see more noticeable lines and wrinkles appear. All of this combined can be super frustrating, but luckily there are amazing treatments that can help you turn back the clock.

At Refine Laser and Skin Care in Chanhassen, MN, we offer high-quality SkinMedica™ chemical peels to effectively combat all of these skin concerns. SkinMedica™ is known as an industry leader, and their chemical peels are able to shed years off from your skin.

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Fillers, Lip Fillers Renee Ryski Fillers, Lip Fillers Renee Ryski

Lip Treatments in Chanhassen, MN

Every face is so different; whether it’s the face shape, height of the cheeks, size of the nose, or overall bone structure, the right lip treatment and dosage used will greatly vary depending on those details and your personal aesthetic goals. Having an expert lip injector who understands all the intricate details and has vast experience in using all different types of lip treatments is key to getting the perfect shape and size lips.

At Refine Laser and Skin Care in Chanhassen, Minnesota, our expert team of injectors will work with you personally to determine the right treatment for your lips. Our goal is always to refine your appearance to help you become the best version of yourself. We offer the latest in aesthetics, and our team has decades of experience enhancing lips. Let’s dive in.

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Jeuveau, Neurotoxin, Toxins Renee Ryski Jeuveau, Neurotoxin, Toxins Renee Ryski

Treat Wrinkles & Signs of Aging with Jeuveau Injections

Your confidence shines when your skin looks and feels its best. For many of us, the signs of aging can become hard to ignore as time goes on. Our skin goes through the natural aging process, stress, skin conditions, and repeated facial expressions– it’s no wonder that we start to see dramatic lines and wrinkles form. If left untreated, these wrinkles can turn into more prominent lines and deeper folds that are harder to treat in the future. 

At Refine Laser and Skin Care in Chanhassen, Minnesota, we offer several cosmetic injectable treatments that can help to smooth your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. One of the most popular and trusted neurotoxins is Jeuveau, which offers natural yet effective results.

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Laser Hair Removal Renee Ryski Laser Hair Removal Renee Ryski

Laser Hair Removal Treatments in Chanhassen, MN

The upkeep of unwanted hair can be daunting and frustrating. It’s common to experience razor burn, ingrown hairs, and unsightly stubble in multiple areas of the body. Many people are now turning to laser hair removal treatments to avoid having to deal with this on an ongoing basis. 

At Refine Laser and Skin Care in Chanhassen, MN, we’ve seen firsthand from thousands of patients how impactful laser hair removal treatments can be. Removing hair permanently removes the inconvenience of dealing with upkeep and it greatly benefits the health and appearance of your skin!

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Skin Classic Renee Ryski Skin Classic Renee Ryski

Achieve Flawless Skin with Skin Classic

Skin issues and irregularities can be a major cause of frustration and can eventually cause a lowered self-esteem if left untreated. Many factors can contribute to a blemished and dull complexion– aging, environmental factors, and genetics could all be a few causes. Very rarely will at-home skincare products be able to treat skin irregularities effectively. 

While many people opt for laser treatments that can sometimes include discomfort and substantial downtime, Skin Classic is a gentler (but still effective!) laser alternative that doesn’t break the skin. Skincare professionals all over swear by this award-winning treatment. Patients at Refine Laser and Skin Care in Chanhassen, Minnesota love this alternative for its cost-effectiveness, comfort, and results!

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Renee Ryski Renee Ryski

The Importance of Skincare with Injectables

Confidence starts with the health and appearance of your skin. While many people choose to have cosmetic injectables to enhance their facial features and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, injectables do not address your skin’s underlying health.

Don’t get us wrong– the results that injectables like Botox, Dysport, Sculptra, and Bellafill give you are impactful and very satisfying. It’s amazing to utilize these to smooth out your skin, reverse the appearance of wrinkles and folds, and essentially be able to contour and define your features to match your desired look.

But, injectables are not a shortcut to having healthy skin. They treat your outer appearance aesthetically, but won’t treat ongoing skin concerns like sun damage, acne, texture, hyperpigmentation, and skin laxity. Not only that, untreated skin issues and not having a solid skincare routine can lessen the effects and longevity of the injectables you receive.

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BBL Hero Renee Ryski BBL Hero Renee Ryski

Why We LOVE Sciton BBL Hero

Your skin is one of the biggest indicators of your age. And I’m not just talking about wrinkles and creases. Dehydration, clogged pores, scarring, discoloration, and lack of volume all contribute to a . . . less-than-youthful look. If moisturizers and serums aren’t cutting it- If you are looking for glowing, youthful skin- or maybe you are wanting to tackle scarring and discoloration- I may have the perfect solution for you. Today we are going to talk about Sciton BBL Hero, one of my absolute favorite skin rejuvenation treatments!

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Sculptra, PRP Renee Ryski Sculptra, PRP Renee Ryski

The Power of Sculptra + PRP

Sculptra vs PRP… you don’t have to choose only one. Plasmasculpt is the combination of these two effective treatments, and it’s a powerful one. Both Sculptra and PRP stimulate the body’s natural collagen production and both effectively fight those pesky signs of aging with beautiful results. Best of all, Plasmasculpt produces results that . . .

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What are the Top 3 Anti-Aging Treatments in Chanhassen, MN?

Have you been noticing those pesky signs of aging lately? You’re certainly not alone. While there are many wrinkle-fighting cosmetic enhancements on the market, the best ones (or combinations) are the treatments that fit with both your particular problem area and your overall stage in life. Read on to learn about Refine Laser’s top three ant aging treatments for the Chanhassen, MN area.

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PRP, Hair Restoration Renee Ryski PRP, Hair Restoration Renee Ryski

What are the Top 3 PRP Treatments?

Have you heard about the '“liquid gold” Chaska and Chanhassen, MN Dermatologists keep talking about, PRP? Well, here’s the 411! We’re going to talk about one revolutionary treatment today that is not only effective on its own to make skin look younger, but also works to enhance other cosmetic treatments: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).

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Fillers Renee Ryski Fillers Renee Ryski

How to Refine Your Face with Dermal Fillers

Everyone has insecurities when it comes to facial features. Maybe you’ve got thin lips, a weak jawline, or a chin that you hate. We all have that one thing we wish we could change. The good news is, you don’t necessarily need to go under the knife to get the profile you’ve always dreamed of.

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