Melt Away Your Double Chin with Kybella

If you’re self-conscious about a double chin, you’re far from alone. Almost 70 percent of Americans admit to having a double-chin. Whether the little excess baggage under your jawline is the result of a lifestyle, diet or genetics, it doesn’t change the fact that many people don’t want one. 

Ready to rid yourself of it once and for all? You’re in luck because the FDA approved its first ever injectable specially formulated to melt away a double chin: Kybella. With its impressive— and permanent— results, it’s no surprise that Kybella quickly became one of the most popular beauty treatments in Minnesota.

Curious to learn more about Kybella in Minnesota and see if it’s right for you? Read on.

What is Kybella?

Kybella™ is an FDA-approved injectable that was created to specifically treat unwanted fat under the chin. Kybella drastically improves the facial profile by permanently eliminating moderate to severe fullness. In short, it melts a double chin.

So, what’s inside the syringe? Kybella™ is a version of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring enzyme that helps breakdown and absorb fat. Deoxycholic acid is found in all of us and is our body’s way to naturally absorb fat once we break it down. So when you go on a diet and lose weight, it’s deoxycholic acid that shrinks your waistline. Kybella is the man-made, bottled version of this process.

What can I expect from a Kybella treatment?

Kybella is non-invasive so no surgery or incisions are required. It’s a much safer alternative to liposuction and other weight loss procedures. During a treatment, Kybella is injected into your problem areas and immediately begins working to dissolve fat cells. In 3-4 weeks, patients notice visible results.

Depending on your amount of fullness, you may need 1-3 treatments spaced one month apart and you’re done. Kybella is permanent so patients can enjoy a double-chin-free life forever.

There is no downtime required after Kybella, but many patients do experience serious swelling of the treated area for 24-72 hours. Some patients also report feeling a burning sensation for a few days. That’s just Kybella working to melt away those fat cells under the skin’s surface.

Am I a candidate for Kybella? 

If you suffer from a double chin and other methods of eliminating it (diet and exercise) have not worked for you, Kybella is a great option. It’s FDA-approved and made of a naturally occurring substance, so it’s generally safe for most patients of all ages. However, I always advise speaking to your medical professional before seeking any cosmetic injectable.

Improve the results of Kybella with Lasers

If you had a prominent double chin before Kybella injections, you may experience loose skin after the procedure. After all, you melted away your double chin but not the skin! That’s where Laser Skin Rejuvenation comes in.

Sciton Lasers can help improve the appearance of sagging, loose skin. It produces powerful wavelengths of light energy that penetrate the skin to tighten it, build collagen, and fill in wrinkles. Many patients are happy with the results when they combine these aesthetic treatments.

Where can I get Kybella in Minnesota?

If you’re tired of being self-conscious about your profile, book an appointment for Kybella at REFINE Laser and Skincare. I’m always here to chat about your concerns and answer any questions you may have about this fat-eliminating treatment - or any other aesthetic service! I pride myself on building lasting relationships with my clients and always advising what’s best for YOU and your beauty goals. So, let’s see if Kybella is a solution for you, together.



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