What are the Top 3 PRP Treatments?

Have you heard about the '“liquid gold” Chaska and Chanhassen, MN Dermatologists keep talking about, PRP? Well, here’s the 411!

The effects of aging on our bodies sometimes seem like a battle that can’t be won. Aches and pains coupled with aging skin and thinning hair can really make you start to feel old. The good news is, that there are myriad cosmetic treatments that can help address the visible signs of aging on your body. We’re going to talk about one revolutionary treatment today that is not only effective on its own to make skin look younger, but also works to enhance other cosmetic treatments: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).

What is PRP?

Our blood contains elements such as plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and, particularly useful in PRP: Platelets. The blood’s platelets have proteins that assist in healing. PRP involves separating platelets from the rest of the blood and injecting it back into the patient to accelerate healing. These injections have historically been used to treat and advance the healing process of injuries to muscles, tendons, and joints. 

When it comes to using PRP injections in cosmetic treatments, the injections have proven to be effective in:

  • Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Eliminating dark under-eye circles

  • Diminishing acne and the scars it leaves behind

  • Improving the appearance of crepey skin

Since the injections only contain elements of the patient’s own blood, it’s considered a safe, natural treatment that poses no risks of allergic reactions.

How does the PRP treatment process work?

Often referred to as ‘stem cell injections,’ PRP injections start with drawing a minimal amount of blood from the patient. Then, the growth factors and platelet-rich plasma needs to be separated from the other elements of the blood that has been drawn. This is achieved by using a centrifuge that spins the blood in order to extract the necessary elements. The extracted platelets are then injected back into the patient in tissue that is damaged or displaying signs of aging. 

Hair Restoration

As we age, unwanted hair seems to pop up in places we don’t want it, while the hair on our heads seems to get thinner and more brittle with every passing year. While there’s still not a ton of research when it comes to using PRP injections for hair restoration, there are firm beliefs in the medical community that the treatment could trigger the hair to grow naturally. The theory is that hair growth is prompted when blood supply to the hair follicle is increased. One study found that patients saw a 30% improvement in hair loss.

Top 3 cosmetic treatments in Chanhassen, MN to pair with PRP

PRP treatments are quite effective on their own at reducing signs of aging in the skin. However, the ability of the injections to accelerate healing also makes it the perfect treatment to use in conjunction with other cosmetic enhancement procedures.  

Sculptra + PRP

Sculptra® is an injectable dermal filler that uses the FDA-approved Ply-L Lactic Acid (PLLA) injection to increase the skin’s volume by stimulating the body’s collagen production. The results are improved skin texture and tone and an overall youthful glow. When used in conjunction with PRP injections, the results of Sculptra enhanced, natural-looking, and gradual, preventing the look of “having work done.” 

Microneedling + PRP

Microneedling has become a sought-after medical facial treatment that makes skin look younger, brighter, and clearer. The process involves using tiny needles to puncture the skin on the face. While it seems counter-productive to beauty goals to injure the facial skin, the procedure actually prompts the skins healing process to kick into gear. This reduces the appearance of wrinkles, scarring, and even improves skin tone. 

When coupled with PRP injections, the healing work of microneedling is enhanced by advanced healing properties of the blood’s platelets. 

Where to get age-defying cosmetic treatments in Chanhassen, MN

If you’re ready to address the effects of aging that have begun appearing on your skin, our experts at Refine Med Spa in Chanhassen, MN are ready to help. With treatments like Sculptra, microneedling, and dermal fillers, your beauty goals will be met with amazing results. Give us a call or make an appointment to get your cosmetic enhancement journey started. 



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